Efficiently Read and Write Files in Python: Best Practices


As you may know, you can store data within the variables of a program, but when the program ends, this data is lost. If you restart the program, you will need to enter all the data again. To keep data across multiple runs of a program, you must write it to a file and read it back when needed.

Efficiently Read and Write Files in Python: Best Practices

Welcome to PythonSage! In this post, we'll cover how to read from and write to files in Python. Reading the entire content of a file in Python is pretty straightforward and doesn't require much code. Let's dive right into it!

Reading and Writing Files in Python

Reading the Entire Content of a File

First, we need a variable to store the file content. We'll call it file_content and assign an empty string to it. Then, we use the with keyword, which helps manage the file opening and closing, preventing our program from crashing if another program tries to interact with the file.

Here's a simple example:

file_content = ""

with open("abdullah.txt", "r") as file:

    file_content = file.read()


In this example:

open("abdullah.txt", "r") opens the file abdullah.txt in read mode.

The with statement ensures the file is properly closed after reading.

file.read() reads the entire content of the file into file_content.

Reading a File Line by Line

For larger files, reading the entire content at once can be problematic because it consumes a lot of memory. Instead, you can read the file line by line.

Here's how you can do it:

with open("abdullah.txt", "r") as file:

    while True:

        line = file.readline()

        if not line:


        print(line, end="")

In this example:

file.readline() reads one line at a time.

The loop continues until the file.readline() returns an empty string, indicating the end of the file.

Reading a File Character by Character

Sometimes, reading a file line by line is not granular enough. You might need to read single characters.

Here's an example:

with open("abdullah.txt", "r") as file:

    while True:

        char = file.read(1)

        if not char:


        print(char, end="")

In this example:

file.read(1) reads one character at a time.

The loop continues until file.read(1) returns an empty string, indicating the end of the file.

Writing to a File

When writing to a file, you need to understand the different modes you can open a file in. The most common modes are:

"r": Read mode (default)

"w": Write mode (truncates the file to zero length or creates a new file)

"a": Append mode (writes data at the end of the file)

"r+": Read and write mode

"w+": Write and read mode (truncates the file to zero length)

"a+": Append and read mode

Writing and Overwriting a File

Here’s an example of writing to a file:

with open("abdullah.txt", "w") as file:

    file.write("Love is better than Hate.\n")

In this example:

open("abdullah.txt", "w") opens the file in write mode. If the file exists, its content is truncated. If it doesn't exist, a new file is created.

file.write() writes the string to the file.

Appending to a File

To append data to an existing file, use the append mode:

with open("abdullah.txt", "a") as file:

    file.write("I am Abdullah Cheema.\n")

In this example:

open("abdullah.txt", "a") opens the file in append mode.

file.write() adds the string at the end of the file without truncating its existing content.

Reading and Writing in Different Modes

Let’s explore how to use the r+ and w+ modes:

r+ Mode

with open("abdullah.txt", "r+") as file:

    file_content = file.read()


    file.write("I am 24 Years Old.\n")



In this example:

open("abdullah.txt", "r+") opens the file for both reading and writing.

file.read() reads the entire file content.

file.seek(0) moves the file pointer to the beginning.

file.write() writes the string at the beginning, overwriting the initial content.

file.read() reads the modified content.

w+ Mode

with open("abdullah.txt", "w+") as file:

    file.write("Python Sage Family is great.\n")



In this example:

open("abdullah.txt", "w+") opens the file for both writing and reading, truncating the file if it exists.

file.write() writes the string to the file.

file.seek(0) moves the file pointer to the beginning.

file.read() reads the new content.

Watch this Video to Learn More:

Reading File in Python:

Writing File in Python:


Now you have a good understanding of how to read from and write to files in Python. Whether you're dealing with small or large files, reading the entire content or line by line, or even working with characters, Python provides you with simple and effective tools to handle files.

Experiment with these examples and see how you can integrate file operations into your own Python projects.

For more Python tips, blogs visit PythonSage and make sure to follow us for the latest updates.

Happy coding!

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